
The Terra Conflict - 3D Printable Tabletop Models

Created by Evan Carothers

STL files for space-combat scale ships, stations, terrain, creatures and more! STL files are partially complete but about 70% of what's included in the pledges is available now! Books are still under development but will ship soon.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Starship Book - Digital Complete!
over 3 years ago – Fri, Oct 16, 2020 at 05:44:22 PM

Hi folks! The Starfinder-Compatible starship book turned out to be a HUGE undertaking, well beyond the scope of what we initially had planned, but I'm happy to say I finally got it wrapped up and ready to deliver. It ended up being 78 pages long (which is more than double the size I originally intended!) but is filled with a ton of awesome stat blocks for your Starfinder games to go with the ships. 

For those of you who have the book as part of your pledge, the PDF is now included in the Dropbox link (accessible via BakerKit). There's a high res version (~100mb) and lower res (~50mb). I marked it as 'v1' in the filename, in case any errors are found that need to be tweaked or anything. I wanted to let folks have a look before I commit to proofed physical version. I'll be working with OneBookshelf to get the physical printed versions finalized shortly.

I also wanted to give a huge shoutout to Bejamin John Sissel - who helped me create all the stat blocks. Without his help this book certainly would not have been possible! 

Take a look, and let me know what you think!

Progress Update
over 3 years ago – Thu, Sep 10, 2020 at 09:09:12 PM

Hi folks, hope you are all doing well! Posting a status update so you all know where things are at.


All the designs are finished an uploaded to their appropriate Dropbox folders. We're still finalizing supported versions of a few files, but those are expected to be finished by Wed of next week. I hope you are happily printing away, and I would love to see some photos if you got em! (you can share on FB an tag or instagram and tag ec3d_designs)

Art Book

I previously reported that individual art book pages are included with the STL folders, but I just finalized compilation of the final art book PDF, which is uploaded to Dropbox. There's a (very) high-resolution version, and a low-res version, depending on your needs

Starfinder-Compatible Stat Block Book

One of the great things about this project is that we ended up creating almost double the ships I had initially planned - which is wonderful, but did add a ton more work on our end. We have 3 of the 5 factions/fleets statted out, and work on the book design/layout for each ship is under. Unfortunately, due to the extra number of ships, we still have quite a bit of work to do to get things finalized. I'm hoping to get a v1  draft of the PDF version ready to share within the next 30 days. There are multiple folks helping me get everything finalized, but there are a lot of moving parts. I appreciate your patience though, and in the end the book will have much more content than we initially planned!

Let me know if you have any questions, and happy printing/playing!

Another quick udpate
over 3 years ago – Mon, Aug 17, 2020 at 02:09:41 PM

Hi folks! Just another quick update - we continue to work through all the printable STL files. We just wrapped up the complete Hive add-on fleet, and all the Sylwarin fleet are uploaded (with the exception of the supported versions for a few). We are working to finalize the supported versions of a bunch of models that are currently missing them, and I'm wrapping up the design of the 3 last installations (which are large and complex, but awesome). Here's a picture of the complete printed Hive fleet from 3DPrintNinja (who is helping me create supported versions of many of the ships)

Quick Progress Update
over 3 years ago – Tue, Aug 11, 2020 at 03:02:27 PM

Hope all is well folks! Wanted to give you a quick update on progress. I *just* wrapped up all the final art book pages for all ships/creatures, and you can find an 'ART PAGE.pdf' in each of the individual folders for each of them. I'll be combining the pages into the full art book PDF by faction soon so they can all be accessed in one place. That same artwork will, of course, be used in the Starfinder-compatible stat block book. 

Speaking of the stat block book, we are well into stating al the ships and should be moving into taking the stats to the layout soon. The full layout/design for the book is done, so we just gotta plug ~80 ships into it, which will - understandably - take a while, then do some test printing! So that will take a while to get done, but progress is great.

Regarding the STL files, late last week I got all the Hive add-on fleet ships done and repaired, and am working with a 3rd party to help create supports for those so I can continue to work on other stuff. I hope to have the supported versions in there for the Hive soon, and am working on the Sylwarin fleet and then the rest of the civilian/station items.  As I noted before, progress and notes are tracked in the STATUS SPREADSHEET , and if you haven't been able to access the files or have any questions about how to do so, pleas reference this KS update and watch the videos.


Question on ship naming
over 3 years ago – Tue, Jul 28, 2020 at 02:08:51 PM

Hello again folks! The process of putting together all these ships took a long time and I found myself struggling quite a bit with categorization/naming of ships, so as you can see in the files folder some ships ended up with such amazingly unique names as "medium carrier" or "short range fighter 1". My primary initial goal was to get things setup and get you access to what was done, now I'm moving onto finalizing STL files.

After that it's onto finishing the art book + stat block book. But I need to come up with *many* better names for ships, including across the factions. So I am going to try to crowd-source this a little bit. Let me know if you have any ideas for cool space ship names. It could be specific for a certain ship (such as I did for The Peregrine and The Sparrowhawk sample ships) or class/size based naming. 

Drop your ideas in the comments, or reach out to me - The more the merrier! My brain is fried from working on STL files and I need your collective wisdom!